5 Easy Tips to Pack Your Bathroom

The bathroom can be a tricky room to pack because there are many messy items, some fragile items, and things that shouldn’t get packed at all. If you’re getting ready to move and are packing up your bathroom, these tips can help. 

1. Purge First

Get rid of anything that isn’t worth taking. This might include bottles of shampoo that are almost empty, lotion bottles that don’t seem to want to close up properly, and anything you haven’t used in a very long time. Recycle the containers as you pack up.

You’ll probably find quite a few expired medicines and bathroom products that you used once and then forgot about. Most of these items aren’t worth bringing to your new home, so get rid of them. Don’t throw away your old medicines. Your doctor’s office or pharmacy may have regular medicine drives to take back expired medications – call around to find a place where you can drop off your old medicines. 

2. Set Aside Items for Your Go-Bag

Remember that you’re going to want some of your most essential bathroom items for your go-bag or moving essentials kit, including your toothbrush, toothpaste, hairbrush, haircare products, makeup, deodorant, and so on. These are the products that you’ll be using as soon as you get to your new home. You’re also going to want these items through the day that you move out, so pack them separately!

3. Wrap Breakable Items

Use bubble wrap to protect breakable items like your glass soap dish, glass dish filled with cotton balls, mirrors, and more. You can also wrap delicate items in packing paper or put them in a box with packing peanuts. Label the box “fragile” and double up on tape to close the box and keep it closed. 

4. Label Which Bathroom

Are you moving from a two-bathroom home to another two-bathroom home? Label the box according to which bathroom the box corresponds to. For example: maybe one bathroom is called the “1st-floor bath” while the other bathroom is called the “2nd-floor bath.” Label the box according to which bathroom you are packing. This will make the unloading and unpacking process more manageable. 

5. Know What Can’t Be Packed

Your moving company will likely have a list of non-allowable items that you can not pack for transport on the moving truck. That list probably includes aerosols and certain cleaning products. Know what’s in your bathroom that you can’t load on the moving truck. Either pack up these items in a box and put them in your car and transport them yourself to your new home or separate them and give these items away before moving. 

6. Put Messy Items in a Plastic Bag

Wrap shampoo bottles and lotions that you plan to bring with you in a sealable plastic bag to prevent them from leaking out during transport. These items will be heavy when packed together; limit the box to a small size to keep the weight down. 

Get Help From a Professional Moving Company

The best thing you can do for yourself during a big move is to get help from a professional moving company. Contact us for a free quote and get started with your upcoming relocation. We can provide you with more tips to make your relocation a success!

Warm-Weather Moving Safety Tips

If you’re planning to move in summer or at a time of year when outdoor temperatures can reach extreme highs, then you need to be ready. Knowing how to protect yourself from heat illness, when to get help if it’s needed, and the signs of distress related to heat can help you stay healthy during your upcoming relocation.

Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate

Make it a point to stay hydrated throughout the packing and moving process. Keep a lot of water and a selection of sports-type drinks designed to hydrate the body on hand. Force yourself to take regular sips of water. Keep your refrigerator stocked with these beverages, and if you’re working out in a garage, then pack a cooler complete with ice and your favorite drinks. Supply water to friends and family and others who help you.

Know the Weather Forecast

Pay attention to the weather forecast, especially if the predictions show dangerously high temperatures. This may mean that you’ll need to plan to pack extra on the days when it’s cooler and avoid packing on days when it’s very hot. If forecasters predict dangerously high temperatures for your moving day, plan to get as much done in the early morning and the evening when the temperatures are cooler.

Take Breaks

Take frequent breaks while you’re packing, unpacking, loading the truck, or exerting yourself. If you tend to forget to take breaks, set the alarm on your mobile device to remind you to stop, drink, sit down and rest. Have a place that’s cool where you can go for breaks, whether that’s near an air conditioning unit or just in a shady spot.

Pack When it Cools Off

If you’re packing your belongings yourself, plan to do as much packing as possible in the early mornings and the evenings, when it’s cool enough to move comfortably. Avoid packing in the heat of the day, especially if you’re working in a hot spot like your garage or attic.

Get Help When It’s Needed

The best way to protect yourself from getting a heat-related illness is to get help from professionals. Hire a professional moving company to do your packing, unpacking, and moving for you. Professional movers know how to get the work done safely, and movers are used to working in long, hot, challenging conditions. Hiring movers can help you avoid a serious illness or over-exertion that could endanger your health and put a serious wrench in your upcoming relocation.

Know the Signs of Heat Illness

Know the signs of a heat-related illness. If you or any others display symptoms of heat illness, contact emergency services as soon as possible to get help.

  • Nausea
  • Confusion
  • Cold, clammy skin or hot, dry skin
  • Tiredness or weakness
  • Headache
  • Loss of consciousness
  • Dizziness
  • Heavy sweating

Protect You and Your Loved Ones: Hire a Moving Company to Do the Work.

You can worry less about staying safe when moving in the summer by hiring a moving company. Work with a full-service moving company that can do the packing and heavy lifting for you. It’ll make it easier for you to stay cool, comfortable, and safe during your upcoming relocation. Contact us today to get a quote.

3 Challenges and Solutions for Seniors Planning to Move

Hundreds of thousands of seniors relocate across state lines every year and moving away from familiar people and places creates specific challenges. Although moving affects everyone from school-aged children to adults relocating for work, our valued elders experience unique challenges.

Many discover that large family homes become underused after children grow up and move out. Upkeep, maintenance, and landscaping seem more like expenses and chores than lifestyle assets. Whatever the reason Baby Boomers and, soon, Gen Xers decide to move, these are challenges and solutions worth considering.

1. Recognize the Telltale Signs You Need to Downsize

It’s sometimes difficult to let go of homes that resonate with heartfelt memories. It seems like each room reminds you of a significant life event. But it’s also essential to recognize the importance of quality of life. If you find yourself struggling with the following, downsizing may be the best solution.

  • Underused Space: Empty-nesters discover they simply don’t use rooms that were designed for a larger family. While they may not seem overly burdensome to clean and maintain, you pay taxes and associated costs. That impacts your financial position during retirement.
  • Exhaustion: When yard work leaves you tired and takes multiple days to complete, you may have too much land. Working yourself to exhaustion detracts from leisure time.
  • Finances: Big houses or those in expensive areas rank among the primary reasons older Americans move to quiet and less expensive areas.

Downsizing tends to resolve many of the challenges seniors experience as they transition into retirement. People with substantial equity or who own their home outright can improve their financial situation.

2. Preparing Your New Home for Physical Limitations

Moving to a new community involves learning the lay of the land, accessing health care, and other necessities. Many retirees find local resources are in place to offer information and recommendations. But the physical space can present challenges that need to be taken care of in advance. These rank among the more prevalent issues.

  • Stairways: Some seniors require ramps and lifts to negotiate stairs and are likely to make upgrades to meet this challenge. But people just beginning to struggle physically would be well-served to make changes before moving.
  • Thresholds: Our bodies lose muscle mass as we age, and seemingly small things like thresholds become problematic. It’s reasonable to make alterations when using a walker, wheelchair, or just feel like your legs get tired.

The key takeaway is that age slows our bodies down. Taking proactive measures before moving in helps sidestep unnecessary challenges.

3. How To Manage Relocation Stress

Even when someone eagerly anticipates a move, relation stress can creep up on them. Acclimating to a new environment leaves gaps in people’s daily routines and a loss of familiarity. Having little to occupy your days and too much time to think about it can be a recipe for depression. The good news is that you can help manage stress and anxiety by immersing yourself in the community. Joining local organizations with like-minded people helps establish new bonds. Taking up hobbies and attending social events can rekindle a sense of place.

It may take a little time to build a new life after moving. However, that new chapter in your life can be a rewarding adventure.

Moving Help

Are you downsizing and starting a new chapter? Contact us today for a free quote. We can help with your packing and relocation to make your downsizing move stress-free. 

5 Essentials to Keep on a Long-Distance Move

When you’re moving a distance that takes several days to drive, you’ll need a good essentials kit. That means you’ll have to leave some stuff out while you’re packing so that you have it available when you need it.

Many people pack too much and miss out while they’re on the trip. But you don’t have to.

Keep these five things with you to help make your move as smooth as possible.

1. New Location Documents

Whether you are buying or renting your new home, you will have many documents to manage. You should bring things like the lease, closing documents, utilities and more.

Other important documents you should keep with you include things like your passport or birth certificate, legal documents, financial information, school records, and medical information. Make sure that you keep them safe and out of sight.

If you signed up for utility services, it’s wise to have a printed record with contact information just in case they aren’t working when you arrive.

2. Trip Reservations

Printing out maps and itineraries seems so outdated now. And yet, they could be vital – what happens if you lose your phone?

You don’t need to carry a huge stack of paperwork everywhere you go. Just having the information for the places that you plan to stay may be enough.

If you’re flying, don’t forget your boarding pass and identification. If you’re driving, you’ve got more flexibility. Just remember to keep all those documents in a safe spot of the car.

3. Drinks and Snacks

Many people like to drive their vehicles instead of transporting them in a moving truck. If you’ve got days of driving ahead, it’s wise to prepare for it.

Make a list of your favorite snacks and drinks and stock up before you leave. Be realistic when you shop. A road trip is no time to start a strict diet.

If you’re bringing the kids and pets on the trip, remember to get the things they like, too. That way, you won’t have to stop as frequently.

4. Basic Care Supplies

Think about the things that you would need for any other type of long-distance trip. Include clothing, personal hygiene items, medications, electronics, and chargers.

Using the list, pick a suitcase that you can easily pick up and move from a car or airport baggage claim. If you’re worried that you won’t fit everything, try a few methods to pack a suitcase efficiently.

5. An Open-First Box

Pack an open-first essentials box. This box contains all the things you’ll need to get started in your new home, like towels, laundry soap, and essential kitchen items.

It’s tempting to throw almost everything in here. To keep it simple, focus on the things you’d otherwise have to buy your first night.

If you have the room, consider bringing the box with you. That way, you won’t have to worry about the arrival of the moving truck.

Long-Distance Moving Pros

A long-distance move is a big deal, so you’ll need to prepare. To learn more about how professional movers can make your experience much less stressful, ask for a price quote today.

Secure Your New Home After a Move

You have made your way to your new house to call home with the help of professional movers. However, in a new location in a place that may not yet quite feel like home, you may feel a bit less than secure. About 38 percent of people in the US have a home security system or line of protection, but just after a move, you may not have that system set up just yet. In the lag time between the day you move in and the home security system installation, there are a few things you can do to make your new property as secure and safe as possible.

1. Change Your Locks

The realtor handed you your keys to your new home, and that was likely a great feeling. However, you never really know how many copies of keys are out there in the hands of others. Therefore, one of the first things to do once you get to your new home is to change your door locks

2. Make Sure All Access Points Are Locked

Most homes have a good dozen or more entry points, and you should check entry points first thing. Make your way through the house and make sure:

  • Your windows are locked on every floor
  • Any entry doors – including a side garage door – are appropriately locked and secure
  • Basement or attic entry or access points are secured (e.g., basement windows, attic roof access panels, etc.)

3. Install Your Window Treatments Early On

Lowering visibility into your home thwarts people with ill intent from seeing you, your family, and what you own. For security purposes, make installing blinds, curtains, and other window treatments a top priority when you get to the new place.

4. Keep Your Property Well-Lit

Good lighting can do a lot to deter thieves, vandals, and squatters who may still think the property is empty. For your first few nights in your home, keep the property well-lit, inside and out. Go ahead and replace bulbs in your porch or landscape lights, install new fixtures if needed, and leave a light on in the house when you head to bed.

5. Pick Up a Small Security Camera

Security cameras are far more accessible now than ever. You can pick up a small surveillance camera at most retail and home improvement stores that you can wirelessly connect to your phone or laptop. These cameras can be mounted in just a few minutes and can really help you feel more secure in those initial days at the new place.

Make Your Move Quick and Safe with Professional Movers

Did you know that having professional movers help with your transition can be the safer option when moving? Having pros helping you through the process means the transition happens quickly, fewer onlookers are likely to take notice, and pro movers will not leave your belongings vulnerable positions. 

Reach out to us today. We can provide you with a free quote and get you safely to your new home.

Facing a Big Move with Your Family? De-stress with a Few Helpful Tips

When you consider the many challenges you may face in life, moving can come up as one of the more stressful. Between sifting through belongings, weeding out what goes and stays, tying up loose ends, and preparing the new place, it is easy to get a bit frazzled. Include the fact that you have children to care for in the process, and the entire ordeal is overwhelming.

As your moving day looms shortly, taking some time to simply step back, breathe, and get prepared for the work ahead is essential. Take a look at a few useful tips to help you de-stress as a family before your big move.

1. Plan a family game night.

Board games don’t typically require anything other than the game to have fun. So, pulling out a board game to play in a house full of packed boxes and disarray is not challenging; somewhere amid the chaos of packing, planning, and preparing for your move, set aside one afternoon to just sit down as a family and play a few games. If you’ve already packed the board games, try some games like charades or eye spy that don’t require any specific board or pieces.

2. Create a memory box together to keep from your current home.

Leaving home can be emotionally challenging for every member of the family. If your children are especially struggling with the upcoming move, get everyone together to create a memory box. Memory boxes can be used for so many life situations, but they serve the same purpose: to create a safe place for a collection of memories or keepsakes.

Allow everyone to contribute to the memory box for the home you are leaving behind. A few good ideas of items to include:

  • A handwritten note from each member of the family about a favorite memory
  • Pictures of certain things about the house that everyone wants to remember (e.g., a photo of the backyard or a family gathering spot)
  • Small physical souvenirs from the property (e.g., a stone from the driveway, a clipping of wallpaper, or a dried flower from the landscape)

3. Get away from the move for a day, or even a few hours.

Dealing with the stress of a move can be easier when you get the chance to step away from the process and physically immerse yourself in a different environment. Try to arrange for some family time out of the house. Go to the movies, have a picnic at the park, or go on a short road trip.

4. Pencil in quiet time daily.

Getting a few quiet moments as an adult with a lot of stress to contend with can help you stay calm. However, quiet time is just as good for children as it is for adults. Some professionals even claim that quiet time is valuable for kids because it helps them synthesize and process new information.

Every day leading up to the move, make sure the house gets a brief stretch of quiet time. Allow everyone their personal space and just spend a few minutes collecting their thoughts.

Destress Your Family Move with Professional Movers

Moving as a family may be a little rough, but a little help can make all the difference. Reach out to get a free moving quote for your big move, and we’ll make sure you have more free time to focus on your family.

6 Moving Mistakes to Avoid

Moving is stressful. Whether you’re moving across town or to another state, mistakes can happen, or you can inadvertently overlook details. Here are six common moving missteps to avoid.

1. Taking on More Than You Can Handle

It’s tempting to try to save money by taking the DIY moving route, but sometimes people take on more than they can handle. As a result, they end up physically hurting themselves, damaging their possessions, or end up paying more to move than they would have if they’d hired professionals. When planning a move, it’s essential to be realistic about what you can reasonably handle. For some DIY works, for others, it’s too big of a challenge.

2. Packing Carelessly or Rushed

Waiting until the last minute to pack usually results in not getting it done in time, possessions getting misplaced or broken, or merely adding unnecessary stress. If you’re not planning to hire professionals for this aspect of the move, start packing ASAP. Do it in stages to ensure the job is done right. This way, each box is filled correctly, taped, and labeled.

3. Forgetting to Pack an Essentials Kit

Forgetting must-have items needed for the first few nights in a new home can result in extra stress and inconvenient errands to the store to pick them up. Packing an essentials kit box can come in handy. This box, which can include toothbrushes, sheets, PJs, coffee, dog food, toilet paper, and any other essentials, makes the first night or two in a new home far more comfortable.

4. Moving Too Much ‘Stuff’

Often, people don’t realize they are packing – and paying to move – belongings they no longer use, need, or even want. They just pack everything in their home or apartment and bring it to put back in storage in their new place. By discarding, donating, giving away, or selling possessions not wanted or needed, you decrease expenses associated with the move and eliminates clutter in your new home.

5. Neglecting to Change Address

Neglecting to notify a change of address with banks, credit cards, doctors, employers, and other essential organizations can result in missed bills or someone else inadvertently getting ahold of sensitive mail, resulting in identity theft. Forgetting to change an address with gyms, magazine and newspaper subscriptions, and other services, you can get billed for services you didn’t use. Start this about four weeks before the move.

6. Not Researching Movers

Sometimes people who do hire movers fail to do their research and can lead to a challenging experience. Before hiring a mover, get a few estimates – a good rule of thumb is to get three. Ask lots of questions, check the Better Business Bureau, verify licenses, and read online reviews. Moving companies are happy to answer any concerns, share information, and offer helpful advice, so don’t be shy in raising questions when talking to them.

Make Your Move a Success

Organization and planning can eliminate – or at least – reduce problems cropping up. Avoiding these six mistakes can help your move be a smooth one. Need help with an upcoming move or just have questions about a future one? Contact us today to learn more about our various moving services.

How to Handle HR Issues When Relocating Your Business

Any move is stressful for those involved. Often, office moves involve many employees, magnifying the stress. To keep the pressure manageable and to ensure you retain top talent, human resource professionals should play a vital role in all stages of the move, from planning to settling in at the new location.


If additional or fewer employees are needed at the new site than the current one, the company should develop a plan to hire or reduce staff. HR leaders will also determine how to handle the separation of those employees not invited to move or choose not to do so, including severance packages.

For those who are relocating, HR will determine whether the new location has a different cost of living than the old one and how to adjust salary to accommodate it. Paying for moving expenses for relocating employees is a short-term hit on the company’s budget but pays rewards in employee productivity retention.

Companies should articulate the reasons for the move clearly to employees. They also will be careful to provide facts about the new location while dispelling myths so that employees can make an informed decision about relocating. Providing information about the quality of life in the new city for long-distance moves or new commuting routes for shorter moves may help deal with reluctance to relocate.

During this period, the company also should provide space for employees to air their views about their new location. When possible, HR might help employees find housing, child care, jobs for spouses, and other services in the new place.

During the Move

Employees often become anxious during the moving process about whether their files, computers, and favorite ergonomic chair will make it to the right place. Providing a calming presence and providing immediate help when issues arise will help ease anxiety.

Settling In

Employees will require several weeks to settle into the new environment, mostly if the move is long-distance. Providing orientations of the new facilities and information packets about the new office area, including good lunch spots, child care facilities, and gyms will help.

Suppose the move is a long-distance one and new employees are to be hired. In that case, HR specialists will participate in recruiting and hiring, and bridging local cultural differences.

Family picnics and other types of mixers might be scheduled to enable the hires from the new location and those who relocated to get to know each other better. Company culture may slowly evolve to match that of the new area. Long-term employees may feel anxious about this change, as well. By continually supporting employees, companies will reap productivity benefits over the long term.

Office Moving

Planning an office move is overwhelming. From disassembling to reassembling your office furniture and equipment to ensure everything is up and functioning in the new space — endless steps are involved. Any delays in the moving process can cost your company money. It’s essential to select the right office movers for your move. Contact us today for a quote. We can help reduce the stress. 

2020 National Movers Migration Report

Residential moving truck

The United Van Lines 44th Annual National Movers Study is out. Wisconsin closed out this hectic year with roughly the same number of inbound movers as outbound movers, a trend that’s continued over the past decade. 

Job opportunities were the primary reason for moving for both inbound and outbound movers. Nearly half of all residents cited employment as their main push or pull factor.

The chaos caused by Covid-19 had an impact on moving as well, accelerating trends observed over the previous few years: movers are primarily heading south and west and away from major metropolitan areas.

The top inbound states of 2020 were:

  • Idaho
  • South Carolina
  • Oregon
  • South Dakota
  • Arizona
  • North Carolina
  • Tennessee
  • Alabama
  • Florida
  • Arkansas

The top outbound states for 2020 were:

  • New Jersey
  • New York
  • Illinois  
  • Connecticut
  • California
  • Kansas
  • North Dakota
  • Massachusetts
  • Ohio
  • Maryland

Top Tips from Moving Pros

Moving day is right around the corner. You’ve checked almost everything off of your to-do list, including making one of the smartest moving decisions you can make: hiring professional movers. But if you’re like most people, you’ve still got a few questions.

If you’ve ever wondered how to get the most out of your professional moving service, you’re not alone. Many people wonder if there are things they can do to help their movers — or if it’s better to simply stay out of their way.

Fortunately, there are steps you can take to optimize your moving service. Here are a few tips the moving pros want you to know.

Advance Logistical Planning

You know all the details of your home (and neighborhood) in a way that movers don’t. That means you can speed moving day along by scoping out any potential logistical issues ahead of time.

From steep driveways to narrow staircases and tiny elevators, consider factors that may slow movers down. You may want to take action such as:

  • Securing close parking spaces, both at your current home and your new home
  • Noting narrow hallways, steep walkways, stairs, and other obstacles
  • Reserving a cargo elevator, if possible

Let your moving company know about any potential issues well in advance. That way, they can plan to have the right crew and equipment on hand for moving day.

Pack it Up

Hands down, the best thing you can do to help your movers is to have things ready for them when they arrive. But what does being “ready” mean?

For a self-pack move, you’re ready for your movers when:

  • All of your items are all packed, boxed, labeled, sealed, and ready to be loaded on the truck
  • Appliances are properly prepared
  • Furniture is disassembled
  • Drawers are emptied
  • Walkways are cleared
  • Driveways at old and new home are cleared

The more you get done before movers arrive, the better they can do their job — and the faster you can get to your new home!

Stay Clear, But Stay Available

It’s usually best to stay back and allow the movers to do their job. Pro movers know how to pack up a home efficiently, and they know the best order to load the boxes onto the truck.

It’s essential to keep clear as the movers work; it’s also necessary that you be available to answer questions that only you, as the homeowner, can answer. You can also ask questions and voice concerns if things come up.

Secure Your Pets

Moving day is chaotic and stressful for pets, and you don’t want them getting underfoot, getting hurt, or possibly running out an opened door.

For both your pets’ and mover’s safety, make arrangements before moving day to secure your pets. 

Provide a safe room, already emptied of moving boxes, for your pets with an appropriate sign outside the room indicating that they are in there. Or, better yet, have friends or family take your pet to their house on moving day. 

Keep Children Entertained and Safe

Your small children might be upset, confused, or overly excited on moving day; for everyone’s safety, your kids need to stay out of the way as well. Make plans to have your kids stay with a friend or family member. Or consider designating an older sibling or another adult helping out to keep your children entertained and out of harm’s way on moving day.

Pro Moving Tips and Help

Your moving company wants to provide you and your family with a safe, smooth move. Following these tips will help your movers do their job quickly and effectively.

If you need moving assistance, we’re here to help. Contact us today with a free moving quote.