6 Tips for Managing Last-Minute Prep for Move-Out Day

You’ve been steadily planning, packing, and organizing your household move for several weeks or months. You have most likely done most of the work, but now the time is here. It’s time for the hectic last hours of getting ready to move. To avoid complete chaos, we have some tips to help you manage your last-minute moving prep.

1. Speak to Your Moving Company

In the days leading up to your move, contact your moving company to confirm the date, time, and other logistics. This is also an excellent time to get answers to any lingering questions you have or to inform your mover about any last-minute changes.

2. Arrange for Child and Pet Care

If you haven’t done so, make arrangements for any child or pet care you need to ensure they are safe while you move. If you have made arrangements, call your caregiver to confirm plans, including but not limited to pickups, drop-offs, and any other information they’ll need. Pack any bags, food, or equipment your caregiver will need for your children or pets.

3. Assemble Meals

It isn’t easy to pull together meals while you’re in the midst of moving. To make things easier, have healthier meals, and save money on takeout, assemble meals for your last week that you can put into the freezer to reheat when you’re ready 

4. Assemble First Night Kit

If you’ve been steadily packing for your first night kit for yourself and your household members, great! But if you haven’t, it’s time to start now. Don’t leave this to the last minute, because you don’t want to inadvertently forget something important you or your household members will need. Once you put your first-night kit together, label it, set it aside, or immediately place it in your vehicle.

5. Gather All Sets of Keys

Organize all sets of keys and have them ready to go. Prepare keys to hand over to your landlord, rental office, or new homeowner for your old home. Also, ensure the keys to your new home are safe and easily accessible.

6. Assign Someone to Check Home:

If you are packing yourself, assign yourself or someone else the task of thoroughly checking the home before movers arrive. This person can ensure everything is put into containers before movers arrive. This helps to streamline and speed up the process.

Pro Tip: Do this step again before you exit your home for the last time. This way, you ensure you didn’t accidentally overlook or drop anything during the moving process.

5. Watch the Weather

Keep an eye on the weather forecast. In case of inclement weather, you can plan for it to ensure everyone’s safety and protect your belongings. If you are moving outdoor furniture and other items and the forecast calls for rain, cover them. This way, they won’t be sopping wet when movers arrive.

Arrange for Your Movers:

Do you have a move soon and are getting prepared to make arrangements? We can help! Our expert professional movers have the skills and experience you need to transport your household belongings safely. Contact us today for a free quote.

4 Ways to Get Your Team Excited About a New Work Location

When you’re moving your office or business, one of the things that you’ll need to do to make your relocation a success is to get your employees on board with the change. Some employees may be excited to work in a new location, but others may hesitate or be concerned.

Addressing these feelings upfront can help foster goodwill among employees and can help make your relocation a success. If you’re a business owner, here’s what you can do to help your employees feel good about your upcoming move.

1. Foster Productive Conversation

Use change management techniques to foster transparency and productive conversation about the upcoming relocation. Discuss the benefits of your upcoming relocation in meetings and everyday conversations to continue reminding employees about what matters about your new workplace.

Encourage employees to ask questions and be upfront about any challenges you’ll face during the move. Talking about the benefits puts this at the front of everyone’s mind and keeps it there so your employees can maintain positive feelings about their new workplace.

2. Provide Facility Tours

Provide employees with a tour of the new workplace. Seeing the facility in person can be very convincing to those hesitant to change, especially if the facility is a step up from your old location. If you have many employees, you may need to offer multiple showings of the facility to allow everyone to see it for themselves.

When giving them a tour, point out everything you like about that facility, including amenities and features that make it a pleasing workplace.

Is the parking lot bigger and in better condition? Are the bathrooms more modern and cleaner? Is there more capability for plugging in printers and computers with more wall outlets? Does the structure have an improved state in its entirety? Is it closer to your customers? Is there a nice view? Are there better amenities close by?

Look at your new workplace from all these angles and list things to show your employees while they’re looking at it.

3. Encourage Employee Involvement

Relocation implies change, but it should not only come from the top down. Your staff members must have a voice in their new workspace. Consider allowing them to input about the layout and design. Invite them to weigh in on choices such as where to arrange team seating or where to hold brainstorming sessions. By encouraging this kind of involvement, you are telling them that their comfort and productivity are just as important as the benefits of the new location. It will give employees more ownership and investment in the new space.

4. Address Their Concerns

Your employees may have very legitimate concerns about their new workplace. For example, if the commute is longer, this could impact their quality of life. Work with your employees to make changes that will lessen the impact of any changes they find problematic. This will help foster good relationships between management and employees.

Plan Your Office Relocation

Work with full-service moving professionals during your upcoming office relocation. Seek a moving company with years of experience moving businesses. Contact us today for a free quote.