Preparing for Your Move: Five Steps to Take When Moving Day Is Still a Month Away

Moving day is just a month away — exciting! Now, it’s time to make sure you’re as prepared as possible for all the changes the coming month will bring. Follow these tips to prepare for the big household moving day when you’re still a month out. 

1. Plan your trip. 

If you’re moving across state lines, it’s time to plan the route you’ll take to your new home. Book hotels and your plane ticket if you haven’t done so already (so that you can meet your moving truck at your new home). Don’t wait until the last minute to try and find hotels along the way — you don’t want to be stuck without a place to stay after an exhausting day of travel. 

2. Transfer cable and internet service. 

Be sure to notify your cable and internet provider of your upcoming move. If you’re moving locally, you’ll likely be able to transfer your service quickly (but you might need an appointment to have a technician come set up your equipment in your new home). If your move isn’t local, you’ll need to set up an appointment with your new cable and internet provider. Don’t wait until you’re in your new home to do this (primarily if you depend on the internet to work from home). Appointments for cable and internet can fill up quickly, so reaching out to your new provider with at least a month to spare is a smart move. 

3. Start donating. 

As you begin to pack up your things, think about what won’t make sense in your new home and decide what you’d like to donate, sell, or give away. You may need to schedule a donation pick-up time for more oversized items (like furniture or large clothing containers). If you’re donating to a local charity, reach out to them to schedule a pick-up time for large donation items. 

4. Think about where you’ll park your moving truck on the big day. 

If you have a driveway where you can easily back in your moving truck when it’s time to load up, you’re all set. However, if you live in a town where parking isn’t simple, or if you’re in an apartment building with a complicated parking situation, you may need to put some thought into where you can park your truck. Reach out to your landlord, talk to your neighbors — make sure you have a set area where you’ll be able to park when moving day arrives. 

5. Reach out to your moving company. 

If you haven’t already confirmed moving day details with your moving company, be sure to reach out to them a month in advance. During your call, be sure to ensure all services (whether they’re packing your belongings or just loading, transporting, and unloading the truck). 

Preparing To Move? We Can Help. 

If you’re feeling overwhelmed by all that you need to do to move to your new home, you don’t have to try to figure it out on your own. Instead, reach out to us today for a price quote on our moving services. 

When is the Ideal Time to Move Your Business?

Business professionals typically conduct significant due diligence when moving a company. For example, the new location must deliver adequate infrastructure and access to a customer base if a company plans to remain profitable. Of course, all of these and other factors make perfect sense from a company leader’s perspective. However, one item that may fly under their radar involves “when” to move to a new facility. By considering the logistical aspects of moving an organization, you can make informed decisions regarding the ideal time to move.

Top Benefits of Moving During Each Season

It’s important to understand that one season is not necessarily better than another in relocating a business. Each company must consider factors such as productivity and the effect downtime could have on goal achievement. Many industry leaders view their slowest season as the best time to move because it minimizes disruption and potential setbacks. That being said these rank among the top reasons to move during each of the four seasons.


If any consensus exists regarding a summer move, it’s minimizing the educational impact on school-aged children. Entrepreneurs, administrators, and employees with minor children will be affected when a company requires them to relocate. Summer moves don’t ask working families to pull children out of a school system mid-semester. The alternative could result in employee attrition and staff losing confidence decision-makers are invested in them.


This season typically presents increased moving flexibility and greater access to services. Summer ranks as the busiest season for moving companies, mainly because families prefer to have their children start fresh in a new school. The bookings of moving companies tend to loosen up during fall, allowing companies more access to weekend dates that reduce downtime. Full-service opportunities such as enlisting professionals to package delicate electronics and other equipment are more readily available.


Organizations in areas with frigid temperatures and the threat of snowstorms often worry about potential weather disruptions. While winter elements may prove challenging, wide-reaching benefits are also worth considering. For example, winter ranks among the slowest months for moving companies, allowing you access to economical rates. In addition, the post-holiday business landscape also slows, which positions companies to avoid product backlogs and customer service interruptions. Simply put, moving during the winter months remains a cost-effective opportunity.


The season of renewal enjoys several built-in benefits to planning a strategic relocation. Operations often ramp up production as spring approaches, and repositioning just ahead of the busy season proves advantageous. Although perhaps not as ideal as summer, spring also comes with an annual school break that may be a logical time for families to relocate with the company. This season also positions businesses that rely on summer customers and productivity to be ready when business booms. Moving before summer usually avoids paying the premium logistics rates and negotiating packed schedules that accompany warm weather relocations.

Timing Your Company Move

The ideal time for any organization to move aligns its strategic business interests with employee concerns, logistical items, and cost-effectiveness. 

If you are conducting due diligence about moving a business, contact us. We are an experienced, full-service moving company ready to help plan your company relocation.

How to De-stress After A Move

Moving to a new city is exciting. You anticipate the new adventures that will come from being in a new place. Yet moving is also stressful. Suddenly, you must pack up all your possessions and arrange for movers to take them to a new location. Then, you have to unpack and set up your new home.

When you’ve gotten your belongings to your new home, you’ll want to take a break to de-stress and relax. Here are five ways to do that.

Order Takeout

To avoid the pressure of getting the kitchen set up right away, order take-out or delivery for your first few days. Companies such as Door Dash or GrubHub allow you to order cuisine from various nearby restaurants and have it brought to your door. Consider comfort foods such as macaroni and cheese, pizza, pasta, and fried chicken.

Take in a Movie or Music

Stream a fun new movie or go to the theater. Comedies are an excellent choice because laughing soothes tension and calms down your stress response.

Listening to music is also a fantastic way to relieve stress. Music with a slower tempo can quiet the mind and relax the muscles. Research indicates that Native American, Celtic, and Indian music with stringed instruments, drums, and flutes are highly effective at helping to calm the mind. In addition, nature sounds, especially when mixed with classical, light jazz, or easy listening, relax most people. However, what soothes one person may be different from what comforts another.

Take a Nap

While taking a nap might seem strange when you’re facing all the work of unpacking, getting the extra rest is a good idea. Moves require a lot of energy. Your body and mind need some time to recuperate. If you dislike naps, go to bed early for a few nights instead.

Have a Relaxation Day

Pamper yourself. Perhaps take time out for a spa day that might include a massage, manicure, and pedicure. Massages can help relax your muscles. Some spas even incorporate essential oils and soothing music as part of the relaxation process. Many pedicures also include a foot massage.

Take A Walk

Our bodies need exercise to perform well and stay healthy, and exercise, especially walking, is also an excellent way to relieve stress. You gain benefits regardless of how fast or how slowly you walk. In addition, walking allows for the release of brain chemicals that improve our mood; this effect is intensified if you meditate while walking.

Meditating while walking isn’t complicated; you can count “one-two,” one-two” as you take each step. Focusing your mind on counting the steps will move it away from other concerns for the moment.

Low-Stress Move

Moving doesn’t have to keep you frazzled for days after your move. You can practice some of these techniques to allow your mind and body to relax and make the first few days in your new home both productive and calm.

Contact us for a free quote. We can help with your move and relieve some of that stress.

5 Benefits of Downsizing Your Home

Bigger is not always better. Homeowners often realize that loving where they live does not necessarily mean purchasing the one with the most square footage. 

There are numerous benefits to living in a smaller and simpler home. The following are five reasons why you may want to consider downsizing.

1. You’ll Save Money

Saving money is one of the main reasons people downsize into a smaller home. You can use the money saved on the mortgage, insurance, utility bills, and fewer furniture items on other aspects of life. 

Some individuals or families prefer to downsize to save more money for traveling, education, or retirement

2. You’ll Clean and Maintain Less

A larger home means more cleaning and more repairs that you will need to make. In addition, more space requires more responsibility, which can lead to unnecessary stress when you have other tasks on your schedule. 

Less cleaning and maintenance means more time spent on the things you enjoy, whether having fun with your family, pursuing hobbies, or other endeavors. Simply put, a smaller home can result in more freedom for you and your family.

3. You Can Splurge on Certain Items

Choosing to live in a smaller home might make you more focused on purchasing items to fill and decorate the space

You can use the money you save downsizing to choose a few key decorative furniture pieces you love. Items that you would likely overlook in a larger space will stand out and bring joy to your new, smaller space. 

4. Your Stress Levels Will Drop

A smaller home often means a less stressful homeownership experience. For example, you might have fewer financial burdens, less home maintenance, reduced clutter, and superior organization. All of these perks and more can lead to a more relaxed and peaceful lifestyle.

5. It Can Be the Start of a New Chapter

Making a significant change can create a new chapter in your life. There are many reasons you may feel inclined to start a new chapter in life, such as kids heading off to college, enduring a difficult breakup, or simply feeling tired of living the same way for so long.

Downsizing into a new home is an excellent way to begin a new part of your life. It often involves getting rid of old items you no longer use, decorating new spaces, and starting fresh with only what you want and need. There are many reasons to start over, and downsizing your home can be an affordable and effective way to do it.

Get Help Downsizing

The act of downsizing may sound intimidating. You’ll need to deal with the difficulty of getting rid of old items and adapting to your new, smaller space.

A professional moving company can help make this process less stressful. Our movers are experts in helping you pack, unpack, and more. Contact us for a free quote on assistance with your move into a smaller and happier home. 

House Plant Love: What to Do About House Plants When Moving

It’s hard to decide what to do with your house plants when you move to a new home. While you might choose to keep some of your houseplants with you, others you may decide to leave behind. Deciding which plants to keep and keeping them safe during your relocation can be a challenge.

If you’re a houseplant enthusiast and want to keep some of your green friends with you during your relocation, these tips can help. Here’s what you need to know.  

Decide What to Keep and What to Give Away

Your moving company won’t allow houseplants to be transported loose in your moving truck, which means you’ll need to transport your houseplants in your car. So first, decide how much room in your vehicle you can dedicate to houseplants, then use this metric to determine how many plants you can keep and how many you need to give away. 

When deciding which plants to take with you to your new home, consider variables like the plant’s overall health, size, and how much you favor that particular plant.

If you wish to give plants to a friend or neighbor rather than dispose of the plant, start looking for someone to take your plants as soon as you know you’ll be moving. Depending on how many plants you have, offloading plants on a friend or relative might take longer than you think. 

Remember, if you’re moving a long distance from your home, transporting plants in your car may become challenging, and your plant may be subject to state regulation

If you are moving a long distance and have many houseplants you’d like to save, consider shipping your plants with a professional transportation company or consider bringing your plants as cuttings rather than potted specimens. 

Prune Plants Before Transporting

Get rid of dead or unnecessary growth on your plant before packing it up to transport. The smaller your plant is, the easier it will be to transport to a new location.    

Pack Plants in a Box

Packing plants in a box is one way that you can transport them safely if you’ve got a distance to drive. When packing plants, choose a wide and tall box to pack your entire plant, including leaves and blossoms.

Put packing peanuts or bubble wrap around the base of the plant so that it remains upright and will not wiggle in place. When the box is closed, draw an arrow pointing up to show which end is up. Be sure to write the contents of the box on each side as well.

Minimize Your Plant’s Time in the Car

Pack plants in your car and drive them to your new home. Unload your plants first when you arrive at your destination. Then, put your plants in a room away from the moving boxes coming off the truck. That way, they won’t be a problem or get in the way. If you have open shelving in a part of your home, put your plants on those shelves. 

Contact Movers to Make Your Relocation Easier

Work with a professional moving company to reduce stress during your upcoming relocation. To get a free quote for your relocation, contact us today. 

7 Tips for Moving Out of a Rental and Getting Your Deposit Back

Moving out of a rental home can be incredibly stressful. That’s because your landlord is likely holding a security deposit. That sum of money could be beneficial when moving into a new home, so you want to be sure you get it back.

Here is a list of top tips for moving out of a rental, keeping your landlord happy, and getting your security deposit back.

1. Consult Your Lease

A good lease agreement will include information about how to end your lease. This will consist of how many days are needed for a move-out notice, expected maintenance, how to transfer utilities, and more. 

Fully understanding your lease is an essential part of getting your deposit back.

2. Send Your Move-Out Notice

The sooner you can tell your landlord you’ll be moving out, the better. Many rental contracts will require the tenant to provide at least 30 days of notice before moving out.

A move-out notice should include:

  • The move-out date
  • The tenant’s new address
  • The condition of the rental property
  • A request for return of security deposit

3. Make Repairs

The simple act of living in a home can cause wear and tear. Moving out of the property and leaving it in the same condition as when you arrived is the most sure-fire way to receive your security deposit.

Paint walls back to the original color (if required), patch any holes from hanging art, and make any other repairs. You may need to have kitchen appliances repaired, replace light bulbs, or have carpets cleaned. Document any repairs you make and keep the receipts handy. 

4. Pay Your Rent and Bills

Paying your last month’s rent is essential to receiving your security deposit. Some tenants assume the security deposit can be used as the last month’s rent, but that is rarely the case. Pay the previous month’s rent on time, just like any other month.

Similarly, you’ll need to pay any utility and service bills as usual. But, again, pay off any balances and arrange to have service disconnected on your moving day. Otherwise, the landlord can take unpaid bills out of your security deposit. 

5. Remove Everything

Moving can be stressful, and you may want to leave undesired items behind. However, a landlord can take money out of your security deposit to remove your unwanted items.

Dispose of all unwanted items, take out the trash, and check all storage spaces before handing over the keys. 

6. Clean Thoroughly

Cleaning can have a significant impact on your security deposit. A spotless home is much more likely to make your landlord happy and encourage them to return your deposit. 

Not much of a cleaner? Hire a cleaning company to ensure the home is as clean or cleaner than the day you entered. Book a reliable and affordable cleaning company ahead of time to allow yourself time to budget and prepare. 

7. Schedule an Inspection

It may be easier to move out of the home and never look back, but scheduling an inspection with your landlord is essential. Give them at least a week’s notice of your desired inspection date. 

Be on time for the move-out inspection and discuss any issues with your landlord. Request the return of your deposit once the home and repairs have been deemed acceptable. 

Making the Move

A moving company can be especially helpful in moving out of a rental home and into a new one. So contact our team to make your next move the easiest one yet. 

Help Kids Settle Into a New Town: 5 Ways to Help Them Feel at Home

Moving is stressful for anyone in the family, but it can be tough on little ones. But, between unpacking boxes, setting up utilities, securing your new home, and taking care of all the other nuances that go along with moving, helping your kids get settled into their new community can be fun for everyone. So here are ways you can help your kids start to feel at home in their new neighborhood. 

1. Go for a walk — without a destination. 

It’s easy to get overwhelmed with everything you need to do as you get settled into your own house. Taking a kid-directed walk without a time limit provides your kids with free (supervised) reign to take in the sights and sounds around your new home. If you don’t live in an area where you can easily head out for a walk, pack up the little ones and take them to a park or nature preserve and let them check out plants and animals at their own pace. 

2. Hit up a new sweet treat spot once a week. 

One great thing about moving to a new town is exploring all the delicious food the area offers! Eating out regularly can get expensive — especially when you consider all the costs associated with moving. Having dessert in a new way once a week provides a fun, inexpensive way to give your kids something to look forward to as you get to know your new town together. 

3. Celebrate local sports teams. 

Cheering on your local baseball, football, or basketball team is a great way to help your kids feel like a part of the community. Of course, if your area doesn’t have a professional team, no worries — even hitting up a local high school game or checking out the scene at the little league field can help your kids feel more at home. 

4. Consider a pet if you don’t already have one. 

We know — moving is stressful enough without adding any new responsibilities to the list, but trust us on this one. Your family is creating new routines — adding a pet to the mix can provide your kids with a sense of security, responsibility, and joy. 

5. Set the positivity tone. 

Your kids will copy your attitude — for better or for worse. So do what you need to do to take care of yourself, whether exercise, meditation, kicking back with a good movie, and inviting your kids to join you. Family de-stressing can be a great way to bond and settle in together. 

Above all else, consider your kids as you decide how to help them feel at home. For example, extroverted kids might love diving right into a team sport, while introverted kids may prefer to spend some time wandering around a children’s museum or nature center to get a feel for the area. 

Moving Assistance

If you’re planning a move, contact us for a free quote. We can help eliminate some of your stress by taking care of the packing, the transport, and the unpacking of your belongings.

Key Characteristics of a Great Moving Company

Moving is a process many people dread. You can be highly excited about your new location, but you may be hesitant because of the countless moving tasks on your to-do list. A quality moving company can assist with every aspect of your move, relieving stress and allowing you to concentrate on the positive changes ahead.

All great moving companies possess several key characteristics. The following are five key characteristics to look for when choosing a top-notch moving company.

Key Characteristics of a Great Moving Company

A simple Google search may result in dozens of moving companies eager to help. You’ll want to choose one that is secure, reliable, and trusted by others in the community. These are five essential qualities to help you find the best moving company for your needs.


A genuinely top-quality moving company will be licensed in their state and by federal authorities. Moving companies must include their Department of Transportation (DOT) licensing numbers online and in advertisements. They must also possess a Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration carrier number.

Every state has different licensing requirements for moving companies. Research the requirements in your state and ask the potential companies to show you their licensing. 

Don’t commit to a moving company that is not licensed.

Clear Rates

The moving company you choose should not be trying to mislead you with fine print and hidden fees. A top-quality moving company will provide you with transparent rates based on the services you need. Read the moving contract entirely several times before committing to hiring.

Excellent Customer Service

Quality customer service is an essential aspect of a moving company. The company should respond quickly to all your questions and concerns. Representatives should also be knowledgeable on moving services offered, time frames, and other details.

Numerous Positive Reviews

Customer reviews for most companies are now easy to access online. However, we also suggest contacting your friends and family about local moving companies they’ve used. Hiring a trusted, local company can help you avoid any scams or unreliable companies solely operating online.

Combining recommendations from people you trust and other customer reviews can help you make an educated decision about which company is best for you. In addition, we recommend researching the company’s complaint history with the Mover Registration Search tool on the U.S. Department of Transportation website.

Excellent moving companies tend to stand apart from the rest.

Local Knowledge

Hiring a local moving company has significant advantages. First, you can speak with representatives personally about your specific moving needs. This helps avoid miscommunications, so you receive the exact moving services you need. Local movers can also be more efficient, as they already know your city or region well.

Many local moving companies handle large interstate and even international moves. Speak with a representative to ensure your local moving company can tackle the size and distance of your move.

Move Easier Than Ever

Hiring a quality moving company can relieve much of the stress associated with moving. It can also help save you time so that you can focus on work, your family, or life’s other obligations.

We’re here to help with every aspect of your move, large or small. So contact us for more information and a free quote to get started today.

Five Items You’ll Want To Move In Your Personal Vehicle — NOT In The Moving Truck

It’s your worst nightmare during a move — getting to your new home and realizing you can’t find your passport, birth certificate, or treasured family keepsake. Unfortunately, it’s easy for essential items to get misplaced (or worse — thrown away or left behind) during a move.

There are some items you’ll want to keep with you as you travel to your new home. Check out this list of important things to keep by your side as you work through the moving process.


Irreplaceable family heirlooms and keepsakes are priceless, and you’ll want to be sure you keep these items safe throughout your move. Pack photo albums, diplomas, old family portraits, heirloom jewelry, and other items with exceptional value in a safe place. It’s normal to have these things strewn about the house in day-to-day life. A few months before your move, set aside an area for keepsakes and heirlooms, and place them in that designated spot when you come across them in your home. Before you begin to box up your life, place these items in a safe container and decide how you’re going to travel with them to your new home.

Birth Certificates

It’s a pain to get a new birth certificate. Keeping your family’s certificates close to you is wise. If you don’t already have a filing system for important documents, this is a great time to get organized. A small plastic filing box (that you can later place in a locked, safe storage area in your new home) is a great place to put documents like birth certificates, social security cards, and naturalization papers.


If you’re flying, it’s wise to have your passport on you. Even if you aren’t, getting a new passport can be stressful, and it’s easier to keep it with you than have to dig it out of a storage box years down the line. Keep your passports with your birth certificates in your important documents box.


We’ve already covered heirloom items, but you should also keep jewelry that’s important to you close. Small things like earrings and rings can easily get left behind or misplaced during the moving process. Just like family heirlooms, set aside an area for jewelry that you come across as you pack and clean your home in preparation for your move.


When you move, life still happens. Debit cards get lost, bank accounts get hacked — it’s a pain, but most people experience these issues from time to time. Having a small amount of cash on you ensures that you’ll still be able to get gas, food, etc., if you run into issues with your bank account while you’re moving.

Prepping for a Move? We Can Help!

Moving is tough — especially when you’re trying to figure it all out on your own. However, when you work with a professional moving company, you benefit from years of experience. Reach out to us today to talk about how we can help you transition smoothly into your new home.

6 Tips for an Eco-Friendly Move

Moving requires fuel and a lot of packing materials, but it’s entirely possible to plan for a “greener” move. If you’re looking to save resources and help protect our planet, here are some tips that can help you arrange an eco-friendly move.

1. Use Sustainable Packaging Materials for Breakables

When people think of packing, they think of bubble wrap. While it’s essential to wrap fragile and irreplaceable items carefully, using bubble wrap isn’t always the most Earth-friendly approach. Instead, try using soft fabrics, such as bath towels, dish towels, pillowcases, blankets, and even clothing to protect breakables.

2. Utilize Biodegradable Packing Materials

In addition to soft fabrics, try using biodegradable and recyclable packing materials. Options include newspaper, recyclable packing paper, or GreenWrap —  a bubble wrap alternative that is compostable, recyclable, and biodegradable.

3. Use Reusable or Gently Used Moving Boxes

Planning a move without boxes is next to impossible, but they tend to create a lot of waste if not recycled properly. A greener alternative than buying all new boxes is to rent reusable moving boxes. Rental companies will typically offer to pick up and drop off the boxes as a service. This makes it eco-friendly, convenient, and stress-free.

Or you can tap into your residential moving company. Often, they will provide you with gently used boxes that are sturdy, less expensive, and ideal for your move.

4. Pack the Kitchen Last

Many people choose the kitchen as one of the first places to pack. When you begin the kitchen packing process, avoid packing dishes, utensils, cookware, and any other items to prepare and eat meals. Leaving essential kitchen items out of the upfront packing can help with a greener move. Doing so means using fewer disposable plates and plastic utensils and saving money on takeout meals (which also generates waste).

Make a plan to use up the food you have on hand instead of ditching food items that you can’t bring with you.

5. Make Fewer Trips

Going the DIY route typically means numerous time-consuming trips to the new house, using extra fuel, and putting more wear and tear on the car. Hiring a professional mover can ensure the move is made in one trip. This saves both time and energy. If a self-move, or partial self-move, is desired, pack as much into the vehicle as possible to cut down on multiple trips.

6. Downsize Personal Items

Moving is the perfect opportunity to downsize possessions, reduce clutter, and lighten the load. Donate gently used items, hold a garage sale, and give belongings away to friends and family. Try to avoid throwing out what is salvageable or might be useful to someone else. Keep in mind; many charitable organizations will come to your home to pick up items you no longer want.

Moving With Pro Movers

Eco-friendly moves sometimes take a little more planning but can benefit both the planet and your wallet.

Do you have an upcoming move to plan? If you need help with any part of the moving process, having a professional mover help you can make your life easier and less stressful. To receive a free price quote, contact us today. We’re happy to talk to you about eco-friendly moves or answer any other moving-related questions you may have.