Moving with a Large Family: Tips to Help Along the Way

While moving can always be challenging, moving when you have a large household and family can be even more exciting. Not only do you have more belongings to manage during the move, but there can also be many more familial obligations to navigate. Check out these strategies for coordinating and executing a smooth household move when you have a large family with varying needs and belongings.

Hone Your Pre-Move Plan to Perfection

A moving plan is always recommended before packing the first box, especially when you have a big family. Before getting started, create a detailed plan and schedule that includes:

  • All the items on the to-do list
  • Information about moving companies
  • A list of packing supplies you need to secure
  • A timeline that reflects what must be done by specific dates
  • Information about entities that need to be contacted, such as utility companies and schools

If you need help to create a timeline, Real Simple offers an excellent week-by-week layout detailing many objectives that often accompany moving.

Get All Family Members Involved in Decluttering

When you have a large household, each family member can have their own collection of clutter. Usually, it is not feasible for only the parents or head of the household to mitigate all the clutter. Therefore, getting everyone on board with the process is a good idea. Make sure each family member is responsible for weeding out items that don’t necessarily need to be packed, such as:

  • Toys that the kids no longer play with
  • Outdated documents that are no longer needed
  • Clothing that doesn’t fit
  • Broken items or items in disrepair
  • Books and magazines that are no longer read or useful

Assign Responsibilities to Everyone

When preparing to pack and while moving, make sure each person in the house has assigned responsibilities. While younger children may not be able to handle much, most household members can handle some tasks. For example, children and teens may be responsible for packing their own bedrooms or even cleaning a particular room once all items have been packed and labeled.

Keep Everyone Engaged Throughout the Process

Much like operating a business with a collection of employees, managing the move of a large household can require effort to keep all parties engaged. Have a daily family or household meeting to review the schedule and what your family needs to achieve for the day. For example, if you have breakfast together as a family, take a few minutes to discuss each assigned objective and ensure everyone is on track to complete things on time.

Plan a Day Off to Refresh and Boost Morale

Moving with a large family can be emotionally and physically challenging for everyone. While you may be on a tight timeline, taking a breather can refresh the family and motivate them to keep going. Therefore, plan a fun activity or break amid the move to give everyone a break. A few fun ideas may be:

  • Playing a game of hide-and-seek
  • Going on a family picnic
  • Cooking a special meal or going out for a family dinner at a favorite restaurant
  • Going to see a movie together

Get All the Extra Help You Need from Pro Movers

Are you ready to solidify your moving plans with a large family? Reach out to discuss your plans with residential movers with the experience to get the job done right. Contact us today for a free quote.