Tips for Hosting a Garage Sale Before Moving

Moving is a fantastic excuse to downsize and eliminate clutter you don’t want to bring to your new home. However, if you have tons of items you want to get rid of, it may make sense to try and make some money off them if possible. For example, hosting a garage sale allows you to shed unnecessary belongings while earning a little cash to help pay for the transition (or a nice meal out).

That said, hosting a sale as you prepare to move can be a hassle, especially if you’re short on time. So here are some pointers to make the process go more smoothly so you can start your new chapter on a positive note.

Price Everything to Sell

Overall, the goal is to reduce the number of items you must pack and transport to your new home. While making extra money on a single item might be nice, offering it at a lower price than usual is often better, making people more likely to buy it.

If you need to figure out what price would be suitable, consider what you paid for it and what it would cost for someone to buy a brand-new version of it. For example, if you paid $50 for the item, but a new one costs $40, you might price it at $30 or less, depending on the amount of wear and tear.

Another tactic is to bundle similar items so shoppers feel like they’re getting more of a deal. For example, instead of selling toys individually, you can package them as a box of toys for a single flat rate.

Let Buyers Know What’s Negotiable

There’s always a fair amount of haggling at a garage sale, but you know what the items are worth and which prices are negotiable and which aren’t. A great way to let shoppers know which items are negotiable is to write “OBO (or best offer)” next to the price. You can also save time and energy by bundling items based on how much you’ll sell them for. So, for example, you can have a $5 table, a $4 table, and so on.

Think about the money you could make if you sold that old couch instead of having to donate it or pack it up for your move. So, even if a potential customer lowballs you, they’re also doing you a favor by saving you time and energy.

Consider What to Donate and What to Sell

Usually, garage sales do best when there are valuable, gently-used items for sale. If you have lots of used clothing or knick-knacks, getting people to buy them takes a lot of work. In many cases, you might have to donate those belongings to avoid the hassle of packing and shipping them.

You can also have a “donate” box or bin at your garage sale. If visitors can take these items off your hands, you can still save a trip to a donation center, making the moving process easier.

Get Moving Help Today!

Moving is an exciting experience, especially if you’re upgrading to a larger house or apartment. Let our team handle the logistics so you can focus on settling in and acclimating to your new surroundings. Contact us today to find out more about a free quote!