How Many Checklists Does a Person Need When They Move?

Moving can be a lengthy and sometimes tedious process that passes through many different phases. To transition from one to another, the easiest way to make sure all of the essential steps are taken is to make checklists. One long list can be overwhelming. Instead, create as many as you need to keep you on track and the top of your game.

Planning Your Move List

The Planning Your Move checklist should include setting a date for moving and choosing your residential moving company. You will also need to know when to transfer your utilities and how much packing you may accomplish while you are waiting. 

For this checklist, you will also have to do some research. Research potential moving companies and gather their moving quotes. Are you going to need help packing? Who do you need to contact that will help you? All of these questions are important and need to be answered before you start the actual moving process.

Packing Your Home List

Packing Your Home is a checklist (or set of lists) that will help you immensely once you get moved into your new home and look for items you use regularly. During the packing process, you should label each box and where the contents in the box came from. This includes bathroom, bedroom, living room, kitchen, etc. This helps in staging for the unpacking process, and it will allow you to find exactly what you need when you need it without having to dig through several boxes. While you can create a checklist for each box, that is often an unnecessary task and may confuse things, especially if more than one person is labeling the boxes.

Catch-All List

For some, the catch-all list includes many of the most critical tasks. This includes:

  • Changing your address with the post office
  • Turning utilities on and off
  • Transferring memberships from one location to another
  • Transferring medical records
  • Switching your home insurance from your old home to the new one
  • Update your driver’s license

Many of these tasks are performed throughout your move, so it is easy to forget them as you go forward.

Address Change List

One of the essential steps aside from changing your actual address with the post office is to make sure all of your personal and professional contacts have your new address. This includes all of your creditors, financial institutions, insurance companies, schools, and family members. While your mail may be forwarded for several months, it’s crucial to provide them with your correct mailing address as soon as possible.

Making the Move

Although making checklists may seem time-consuming, it will be a lifesaver once you have entered your move’s chaotic stages. Having these little road maps on hand will allow you to stay focused on the tasks at hand and continue to move forward at a steady pace. As soon as you know when you are moving, start creating your checklists, and keep yourself as organized as possible.

If you still need help, contact us for a quote. We provide outstanding moving services and can help you get to your destination.