Preparing to Move Out of Your Rental

When the time comes to move out of your rental property, there are several essential tasks you need to complete to ensure a smooth household relocation. Whether you’re moving into a new apartment, condo, or home, check off the following items on your to-do list before you hand over the keys to your landlord.

Notify Your Landlord

One of the first things you must do when preparing to move out is review your lease agreement carefully. Pay close attention to the terms for notification of a move, as this will vary depending on the rental agreement. Typically, you must provide notice anywhere from 30 to 90 days, but it’s best to double-check the specifics with your landlord or a legal professional.

Failure to give sufficient notice could result in additional fees, loss of your security deposit, or other penalties, so adhere to the terms outlined in your lease agreement.

Contact Utility Providers

Reach out to all of your utility providers well in advance of your relocation to schedule service shut-off, turn-on, or transfer dates. Make sure to settle any outstanding balances and ensure that services are disconnected at your old residence to avoid paying for the next tenant’s utilities.

Update Address

Inform key contacts about your change of address, including your employer, family and friends, financial institutions, credit card companies, subscription services, and more. Remember to fill out a change of address form with the USPS to have your mail forwarded to your new home for up to one year.

Transfer Renter’s Insurance

Remember to contact your insurance provider when you know you’re moving. Update your address and ensure your renter’s insurance policy covers your new residence. If you don’t have renter’s insurance, consider investing in a policy to protect your belongings in your new home.

Start Packing Early

Pack non-essential things as soon as possible to avoid last-minute stress. Label boxes clearly to make unpacking easier. Moving is an excellent opportunity to declutter. As you pack, set aside unwanted items, and then donate those in good condition.

Clean and Repair Your Rental

To maximize the return of your security deposit, thoroughly clean your rental property and make any necessary repairs. Take care of tasks like fixing blemishes, deep cleaning floors, walls, and appliances, and ensuring that all areas of the property are spotless. Consider hiring professional cleaners for a comprehensive cleaning job, and keep the receipts as proof for your landlord.

Finalize Your Move-Out Checklist

Review your move-out checklist before you say goodbye to your rental property to ensure you have handled everything. Schedule a final walk-through with the landlord or property manager to inspect the property together and return the keys.

Ready to make your move? Let professional movers make the process easier and less stressful. Contact us today for a free quote and start planning for the next chapter in your life!