How to Settle in After a Move

You’ve spent months finding the perfect house, weeks packing and moving, and now it is finally time to relax in your new home. But what happens when you can’t settle into your new space? Feeling like a stranger in your new home is normal, especially in unfamiliar surroundings. Let’s look at some of the best ways to quickly adjust to your new dwelling so you can start enjoying your beautiful home.

Unpack Priorities

Of course, a home won’t feel welcoming when unpacked boxes and clutter are all you see. Start unpacking by attacking the priorities first. You’ll need your comfort items, like bedding, towels, pillows, and a blanket or two, along with practical things like plates, silverware, and a few pots and pans to make a meal. Unpack your priority items first to return to your daily routines quickly.

Help Children and Pets Get Adjusted

You want your family to feel comfortable in their new home so that they can relax. When those around you are calm, you’ll start to settle in, too. Help your kids adjust to their new surroundings by unpacking a few toys or putting their bedrooms back together first. Remember, your pets need to feel comfortable, too, so unpacking their toys, food, water bowl, and bed will help them settle into their new home faster.

Change Address

Be sure to update all necessary documents with your new address. You’ll want mail redirected to your new home and your important documents, like your driver’s license, changed. Remember to change your utilities to your new name and any credit card billing information. The more you start using your new address, the more you’ll feel at home.

Learn About Your Community

Take time to explore your new community to learn what your neighborhood offers. You’ll need to find practical locations, like the closest grocery store, pharmacy, gas station, and places for fun adventure, like local restaurants, parks, or trails. The more you feel at home in your community, the more comfortable you’ll become.

Meet Your Neighbors

Knowing your neighbors will help give you a sense of community and belonging. Take the time to introduce yourself and your family. Not only will your neighbors give you some new friends in the local area, but they may have fabulous suggestions for places to see or visit in your neighborhood. Because your new neighbors will be a part of your life in your new home, you should establish a good relationship with them as soon as possible.


To settle into your new home, you need your space to feel like your own. Although it might feel unnecessary, start to unpack decorative items that give your home a personal touch. Adding personal photographs or favorite decorations to your new space will make your house feel like a home. While unpacking priorities is essential, feeling safe and comfortable in your new home is equally important.

Host a Housewarming Party

To celebrate your new house, host a housewarming party. Inviting your closest friends and family to your home will allow you to show off your new space and celebrate your move. Seeing your loved ones in your new home will have an instant calming sensation and make you feel happy and proud of your new place.

Moving Successfully

Moving to a new area can be challenging, especially when adjusting to new surroundings. Make quick work of the move with professional movers so you can spend more time exploring your neighborhood. Contact us today for a free moving quote so you can start enjoying your new home with friends and family faster.