7 Ways to Meet Your New Neighbors

Moving into a new home and not knowing anyone in your community can be intimidating. To become an active member of your neighborhood, make some effort to get to know your new neighbors. You’ll plant the seeds for making friends and building long-lasting relationships by taking a few first steps.

Want to meet new people in your new community, but need help figuring out how to start? Consider trying the following seven tips when you make your residential move.

1. Smile and Say Hello

Like in any other situation, first impressions matter. People will always be curious about their new neighbors, and by smiling and saying hello at your first encounter, you’ll give off positive vibes and show your neighbors you’re friendly and want to be a part of the community. Turning the other way, being neutral or outright ignoring people (even if you’re just shy) might make neighbors feel uneasy about you. As a result, they might avoid socializing with you in the future.

2. Throw a Housewarming Party

Once you’re settled in, invite your new neighbors to a housewarming party. It doesn’t have to be a formal housewarming party; you can hold a backyard barbeque, cocktail hour, or other informal event. Other ideas are to host events, such as trivia night, cookie swap, or for snacks to watch a big game on TV.

3. Host Individual Dinners

Is a big gathering too intimidating for you? Consider inviting your immediate neighbors over for a small dinner party. Or, even if you hosted a big event in the previous months, start inviting individual households over for brunch or dinner so you can get to know them better.

4. Attend Community Events

After you’ve finished unpacking your belongings, organizing your furniture, and settling in, take some time to find events in your community. Check out Facebook pages, community bulletin boards, and local businesses to see if any clubs, socials, festivals, or other outings are open to the public. Finding an activity you’re passionate about can help you link up with other like-minded people.

5. Attend Meetings/Volunteer

Are there any gatherings or meetings you can attend? One of the best ways to meet people is to get involved with the community by attending HOA or PTA meetings. You can also seek out volunteer opportunities. It’s an excellent opportunity to make a difference in your community while making social connections in your community.

6. Join Local Gyms or Sports Teams

Are you an outdoors enthusiast or like hanging out at the gym? A relaxed and fun setting provides the perfect backdrop to make new friends. Join a local facility or purchase a recreational membership. Your new town may have a community center, tennis, sports teams (e.g., softball, soccer, etc.), a gardening club, or other types of activities and events.

7. Spend Time Outdoors

It’s hard to meet people if you spend your days indoors. If you have a dog, go for lots of walks instead of setting up a backyard run. Like to garden? Spend time outdoors planting a garden to beautify your yard. Over time, you’ll start to see plenty of familiar faces – and your yard will look great too.

Convenient Relocation!

Getting to know people in a new place is often stressful and intimidating, but being proactive and taking those critical first steps to introduce yourself usually eases any tension and makes it more comfortable to reach out to people.

Ready to set a date for your move? Contact us today for a free quote.

5 Common Moving Challenges and How to Resolve Them

Moving brings many challenges. However, you can resolve these challenges with proper planning, organization, and knowledge. Here are three common challenges and tips for fixing them when you make your residential move.


The packing task can seem overwhelming. You can make it easier by developing a packing plan and checking items off as you complete them.

First, pack the items you use least or out of season. Gradually move through the articles and rooms based on how frequently you use them, packing up your kitchen, bathroom, and bedding necessities last. If you have children, get them involved in packing, especially their rooms. To help your young children feel less anxious, pack their belongings last.


The best way to meet the financial challenge is planning. Develop a realistic moving budget and stick to it. A moving cost calculator can help you estimate the cost. Remember to allow room in your budget for deposits in your new home, storage, baby, and pet sitters, and changing driver’s licenses and vehicle registrations.

You can also save money by starting early, so you have ample time to research and choose movers. Plan a move during the off-peak moving season to save a little money on moving expenses.

Inclement Weather

Moving in bad weather isn’t fun, but you can make a bad-weather move manageable. The key is to have a plan if the weather turns nasty.

First, instances of weather significantly impacting a move are rare. Moving in light rain generally doesn’t pose a problem for professional movers; however, icy roads or major storms may pose a significant safety risk. Some movers will reschedule the move if conditions are bad. Ask your mover when they give an estimate about their policy on inclement weather.

If you move in inclement weather, your movers may pause temporarily to avoid loading your furniture during heavy rain or snow. They’ll also put down rugs or mats for safety. A reputable mover will update you throughout the process.

Generally, you’ll know if a severe storm is looming. If you need to stay in your old house another day or two until a storm passes, leave necessities as the last items to pack.

Storage Space

You might need separate storage space from your home. For instance, if your new home cant accommodate all of your belongings or you intend to complete some remodeling projects immediately, a separate storage unit might be the answer. Check with your moving company to see their storage options; then, they can deliver them to your storage space on your moving day.

Special Packaging Requirements

It is easy to lose track of what needs special packaging amidst the chaos of relocating to a new home. Flat-screen televisions, mirrors, paintings, sculptures,  computers, lamps, and chandeliers need special care and handling during a move. Ensure your residential moving company is aware of any specialty items you need moved as soon as you begin discussing your moving plan with them. Movers have the resources to safely pack, transport, and assemble your unique furnishings, allowing you to relax and enjoy your move.

We Can Help You Meet the Challenges

Our experienced team can help you manage common moving challenges so your move goes smoothly. Contact us for a free estimate today.